As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission is an original work by the Author(s).
All Authors and Mentors on this manuscript approve its submission to Veritas: Villanova Research Journal and have filled out and signed the Contributor Agreement.
The Author(s) has the necessary permissions to enter into the contributor agreement and to grant the rights identified in this agreement.
If applicable, the Author(s) has obtained any necessary approvals from the Villanova IRB, IACUC, or Institutional Biosafety Committee prior to the commencement of research or data collection.
There has been no prior assignment, license, or transfer of the submission. Also, the submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
The submission does not infringe upon the intellectual property or rights of any third party.
The submission file is either a PDF or in Microsoft Word file format (.doc or .docx).
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Submission Guidelines.
The submission includes a SafeAssign Originality Report.
Author Guidelines
Author Eligibility
All Villanova undergraduates who have undertaken research (both inside and outside the classroom) are encouraged to apply. Alumni are also eligible to submit within three years of their graduation from Villanova.
Submissions from other researchers (e.g., visiting undergraduates, high school students) will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to inquire whether your submission is eligible for publication in VVRJ, please contact the Editors-in-Chief (EICs) at
Submission Eligibility
VVRJ invites submissions from all academic disciplines. As outlined in the Contributor Agreement, submissions must: (a) be an original work of the author(s); and (b) be approved for submissions to VVRJ by all authors and mentors. Furthermore, submissions must not: (c) have been published elsewhere; (d) currently be under consideration at another journal or other venue; or (e) infringe the intellectual property or rights of others.
Because the main goal of VVRJ is to disseminate undergraduate student research, we ask that only current undergraduates and recent alumni be listed as authors (but see Author Eligibility, above). Other contributors to the work (e.g., graduate students, faculty, staff) should be listed as mentors. VVRJ will feature mentors’ names, photos, and short bios alongside the published manuscripts.
All authors and mentors must agree to submit the work to VVRJ and must complete a Contributor Agreement. Each submission should have a single Contributor Agreement physically signed by all authors and mentors (the form includes fields for two authors and one mentor; additional contributors should write in their information as needed). The completed Contributor Agreement must be uploaded as part of the submission process (see Submission Components, below).
Submission Process
1. In order to submit a manuscript, you must first register with the journal. Request an author (or mentor) account via this link: VVRJ Account Request. This link requires you to login with your Villanova credentials; if you are unable to login, please to request an account. Once your account has been created, you will receive an email with login details.
2. Prepare your manuscript according to the submission guidelines, below. Improperly prepared submissions may be delayed in the editorial process or returned for reformatting before review.
3. Submit your manuscript by navigating to the Submissions page and clicking “New Submission.” Follow the prompts to provide information about your submission and upload your files. This process has four steps: (1) Start, (2) Upload Submission, (3) Enter Metadata, and (4) Confirm. See Submission Components below for more information about what is required for each submission type.
4. You will receive an email once your submission has been successfully submitted; you will also receive updates throughout the review and publishing processes.
* As part of the submission process, you will be asked to agree to have your data collected and stored according to the Policy Statement. The Policy Statement only applies to contact information (authors’ and mentors’ names and email addresses) and not any other data.
Types of Submissions
1. Research Articles: Research Articles describe an empirical study (or series of studies); the work described in Research Articles should already be completed by the time of submission. VVRJ currently does not set limits on research article length; however, overly long manuscripts may be returned to the author(s) for shortening.
2. Research Reports: Brief summaries of recent or ongoing research projects. Research Reports should be 250–500 words in length (word count only includes the main text, not other components such as figure or table captions, titles, references, or supplementary materials).
3. Falvey Scholar Projects: Falvey Scholars are encouraged to submit their projects for publication in VVRJ. These projects may go through a truncated review process; authors may also be asked to make modifications to the length or formatting of the work to match VVRJ’s specifications.
See the Submission Guidelines for further information about how to prepare and submit your manuscript.